b. 1974 Crawley, England
1997-99 MA Fine Art Printmaking, Royal College of Art
1994-97 BA (hons) Fine Art, Kent Institute of Art and Design, Canterbury
1993-94 BTECH Foundation, Northbrook College, Horsham, Sussex
Previous Exhibitions:
1999 Limit Less, Galerie Kinzinger, Vienna
1999 The Poster Show, Gavin Browns Enterprises, New York
1999 A Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis, Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, London
1998 Pretty Vacant, Artezium, Luton
1998 A to Z, The Approach, London
1997-99 MA Fine Art Printmaking, Royal College of Art
1994-97 BA (hons) Fine Art, Kent Institute of Art and Design, Canterbury
1993-94 BTECH Foundation, Northbrook College, Horsham, Sussex
Previous Exhibitions:
1999 Limit Less, Galerie Kinzinger, Vienna
1999 The Poster Show, Gavin Browns Enterprises, New York
1999 A Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis, Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, London
1998 Pretty Vacant, Artezium, Luton
1998 A to Z, The Approach, London