b. 1974 Berlin, Germany
1998-2000 MA Fine Art, Glasgow School of Art
1994-97 BA (hons) Fine Art, Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, University of Oxford
Previous Exhibitions:
2000 Additional Research into the Phenomenon, Glasgow Project Room
2000 New Work Scotland, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh
1999 Jung's House, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh
1996 Earthly Mercy, British School of Rome
1994 Group Exhibition, Hot Bath Gallery, Bath
1996 Rome Scholar in Fine Arts, British School of Rome
1998-2000 MA Fine Art, Glasgow School of Art
1994-97 BA (hons) Fine Art, Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, University of Oxford
Previous Exhibitions:
2000 Additional Research into the Phenomenon, Glasgow Project Room
2000 New Work Scotland, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh
1999 Jung's House, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh
1996 Earthly Mercy, British School of Rome
1994 Group Exhibition, Hot Bath Gallery, Bath
1996 Rome Scholar in Fine Arts, British School of Rome