Twenteenth Century



1998-2000 BA (hons) Fine Art, Central St Martins School of Art and Design, London

Previous Exhibitions:

2001 9th March, A Survival Guide, ICA, London
2001 16th/17th June, Berlin, ICA, London
2000 14th September, Centre of Attention, Wiltons Music Hall, London
1998 27th June, Open Day, Shoreditch Town Hall, London

Twenteenth Century are Saul Albert, Karin Andreasson, Leon Barker, Nathan Barlex, Luca Borlotti, Eleanor Brown, Lottie Child, Laura Lord, Rory Macbeth, Darren Phizacklea, Robin Priestley, Emily Wardill

Twenteenth Century, System Addict, 2000

Previous artist in 2001

Varda Caivano

Next artist in 2001

James Coupe