David Fletcher



b. 1981 St Helens, Merseyside

2004-06 MA Painting, Royal College of Art, London
2001-04 BA [hons] Fine Art, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton

Previous Exhibitions:
2007 Jerwood Contemporary Painters, Jerwood Space, London and tour
2006 Silent but Violent, The Empire, London
2006 Arcade, Portman Estate, London

2004 The John Hansard Award

Selectors' Comments:
Deconoclasm is part Brick Lane boutique knick-knack, part charity shop record cover with a 70's typeface. It looks like it meant something once, to people who were cool decades ago.

Artist's Statement:
Part of this work is purely decorative; however it does condemn making use of innovations, especially the broad use of exposé. Ideally though, by the start, the highly stylized begins to be dropped in favour of the faithful, of the rough, of the cubed plank.

Previous artist in 2007

Mary Ferguson

Next artist in 2007

Katarina Forss