Jackson Webb



Mark Jackson: b. 1976 Nottingham
Charlotte Webb: b. 1979 Leicestershire

2006 Jackson Webb MA Fine Art, Chelsea College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London
1995-98 Mark Jackson BA [hons] Painting, School of Art and Design, Loughborough University
1999-02 Charlotte Webb BA [hons] Painting, Wimbledon College of Arts, University of the Arts London

Previous Exhibitions:
2007 Days of the Commune, Stockwell Studios, London
2007 Dark Glasses, Standpoint Gallery, London
2007 The Boys Club, Cholmondeley Boys Club, London
2006 There's No Place Like Home, Homestead Gallery, London
2006 Through the Large Glass, Three Colts Gallery, London
2006 Horses & Hippos, Chelsea College of Art, London
2006 Real Proper Show, Triangle Space, Chelsea College of Art, London
2005 Soft Lighting, The Living Room Gallery, Manila, Philippines
2005 Tower of Babel, Limehouse Arts Foundation, London

Selectors' Comments:
There's a strangeness to these artefacts that changes how I read the different parts. Furniture/art/decoration - which is the sovereign form? For me this puzzling reads as a satirical take on the economy of art reception, consumption, and the homogeneity of some corporate and domestic art displays. Look closely and there's a quirkiness to how they're made. The hippo has slipped off its fake Blu Tack, and there are blobs of the stuff elsewhere that create deliberate flaws.

Lamps, paintings, a shriving, striving between still sculptural object, picture and function. The paint describes, the lump of weight upon the triangulated surface holds it still.

Artist's Statement:
Jackson Webb is a collaboration between Mark Jackson and Charlotte Webb. Their delicately handcrafted lamps, which point to a rationalising, even utopian ethos, are accompanied by figurative paintings and works on paper. Installed within an atmospheric glow of electric light, their works become components of a dreamy world of design.

Previous artist in 2007

Tom Walker

Next artist in 2007

Gesche Würfel