Zayd Menk



b. 2000, Harare, Zimbabwe

2019-2022, BA Fine Art, University for the Creative Arts, Farnham

Recent Exhibitions


2022 '[4.3><_-\›¬’°~⁰', Fine Liquids Art Gallery, London


2023 'Open Studios', FaMAS, Bolton

2022 'Platform Graduate Award 2022', Aspex Portsmouth, Portsmouth

2022 'Apophenia', Safehouse 2, London

2022 'Farnham Graduation Show', UCA, Farnham

2021 'Coming Up for Air', James Hockey Gallery, Farnham

2021 ‘<virtual-daze>’, Farnham Park, Farnham

Awards and Residencies

2022 Platform Graduate Award, CVAN South East (nominated by Aspex Portsmouth)

2022 Surrey Sculpture Society Prize, Surrey Sculpture Society (runner up)

Previous artist in 2023

SAM (Ayrton Mendes)

Next artist in 2023

Efrat Merin