Blog Post: Carla Lavin


Carla Lavin, Close up detail from 'Vessels 1-14' 

Blog Post: Carla Lavin


28 February 2018

Materials with a mind of their own.

With malleable and transformative materials there is always a point when the qualities and the properties of the media start to take over and dictate the form, revealing hidden character and personality. The most exciting part of the process for me is allowing the materials to:

Slump, bulge

Collapse, warp, ooze

Lean, crack, fall, crumble

Revealing a new authentically raw and natural sculpture, whilst being static conveys multiple time

periods as the material continues to evolve, in a performative manner, to the point where the artist is no longer the creator, but simply the orchestrator of a process which can continue on it’s own.