
David Osbaldeston, Two Way Mirror (after DG), 2013.

The Syllabus: A new programme that will support ten artists across ten months


2 February 2015

Wysing Arts Centre, Eastside Projects, New Contemporaries, S1 Artspace, Spike Island and Studio Voltaire, invite applications from artists for The Syllabus; a new programme that will support ten artists across ten months.

Starting in June 2015, The Syllabus will provide selected participants with a series of intensive seminars at each of the partner venues; to encourage enquiry into individual participants’ work, offer practical guidance on surviving as an artist, and offer ongoing access to curatorial and other staff at the partner organisations. The Syllabus has been developed for artists with the input of established artists who have a connection to each of the partners and who will continue to contribute to its development and delivery; Celine Conderelli, Andy Holden, James Langdon, Charlotte Prodger, Niki Russell, Keith Wilson and others.

The Syllabus aims to reach artists from a wide geographic spread within the UK and, mindful of the current economic climate and changes within higher education, offers an intensive and cost-effective learning programme.

The programme is structured around six seminars which all participants are required to attend. The seminars are themed and will offer time for discussion around topics alongside critical feedback sessions on work. Seminars last between two and four days. At the end of each seminar a task will be set that participants will need to develop ahead of the next seminar. This could include a reading list or a work related task. During periods between seminars, texts and reading lists will be uploaded onto a shared web page which will also allow discussions to be continued remotely. In addition, each participant will be offered mentoring to enable their individual practices to develop.

The benefits of the programme, which Wysing is co-ordinating on behalf of the network, include:

- One to one contact with staff at the partner organisations
- An intensive programme of seminars that have been devised by artists in association with each of the partner organisations
- The opportunity to develop within a cohort of ten peers
- Individual mentoring across ten months

To apply, download a PDF of the Information For Applicants here. Applications need to be made online via The deadline is 12 midnight, Friday 20 February 2015.