Andrew Mania



b. 1974 Bristol, England

1998-99 MA Fine Art, Chelsea College of Art
1994-97 BA (hons) Fine Art, Falmouth College of Art

Previous Exhibitions:

1998 No Genitals Please, Gallery No. 3, Falmouth
1998 Open Studios, Market Street, Falmouth
1997 Dirty Drawings, Grove House Project, Falmouth

I am like a collector of curiosities, or a cultural vagrant; sometimes recycling found images like old master drawings or photographs, then adding my own obsessions or dialogue, such as Yetis, UFOs or birdlike swarms. My work may be unsettling and odd, with an irreverent nostalgia for art history. The works form clusters or concentrations on walls or off the wall. WIthin these arrangements fantasy has its space.

Andrew Mania, Yetiscape, detail of the installation: She met him in the forest, he was kind and went by the name of Almas

Previous artist in 2000

Johannes Maier

Next artist in 2000

Marta Marce