2006-08 MA Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, University of London
1994-97 BA [hons] Fine Art, Oxford Brookes University
Previous Exhibitions:
2007 Deviant Art Festival, Trollh鋞tan, Sweden
2007 Hi/Lo Film Festival, San Francisco
2006 Peacecamp, Brick Lane Gallery, London
2006 Artsway Open 06, New Forest
2006 Santa Fe Film Festival, New Mexico
2006 See You at Home 2, London
2006 Rooftop Films, New York
2006 Rag and Bone, Three Colts Gallery, London
2006 Conjunction 06, AIRspace, Stoke on Trent
2006 Artists Editions, Stadtgalerie, Schwaz, Austria
2006 Project 2, Alma Enterprises Gallery, London
2005 Neue Freunde, Stadtgalerie, Schwaz, Austria
2005 Coniston Water Festival, Grizedale Arts
2004 Project 1, Alma Enterprises Gallery, London
Selectors' Comments:
Charlie Tweed gives new meaning to civil disobedience, full disclosure - and underground. His Man from Below TV is more like a message from the boy-child you hope will never grow up. He's too smart for his own good, but you know you'd never let him get away with his astutely, acutely damning enactments if you took him for an adult. Check out his graphic for the video Man from Below TV: a literal kid's rendition of his instructions for its display: '7 inch screen with live aerial extending as if live broadcast.'
Is funny. He lives on nothing much but the idea of rebellion, off grid, down below. The expanse at the edge of London. Near City Airport perhaps is the basecamp for his pioneering media and eco activism. The props are limited, the hole not big, but the encouragement is surely convincing. Everyone should do it now, go there, dig, rebel, and then pass it on.
Artist's Statement:
I work with a variety of alter egos to explore the mechanisms of power and control and the potential of the irrational. Man From Below TV is the first in a series of videos and performances where my alter ego attempts to create a safer life 'below the surface' of the Thames Gateway.